"Dynamic response"

Dynamic response

Influence of $C_c$ on the small-signal transfer

The source-to-load voltage transfer $A_v$ is found as:

\begin{equation} A_{v}=- \frac{2 C_{c} R_{\ell} s}{C_{c} s \left(R_{\ell} + R_{o}\right) + 1} \end{equation}

Gain factor

$- 2 C_{c} R_{\ell}$

Normalized coefficients of the numerator:


Normalized coefficients of the denominator:

$1$$C_{c} R_{\ell} + C_{c} R_{o}$

Minimum value of $C_c$

$C_c$ causes a high-pass transfer. The frequency of the pole should maximally equal the minimum frequency of interest $f_{min}$. From that we obtain the design equation:

\begin{equation} f_{min}=\frac{0.5}{\pi \left(C_{c} R_{\ell} + C_{c} R_{o}\right)} \end{equation}

From this we obtain:

\begin{equation} C_{c min}=1.592 \cdot 10^{-7} \end{equation}

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Last project update: 2022-04-01 16:59:05