"Application Description"

Application Description

Hearing loop systems are used for broadcasting audio information to individuals with T-Coil equipped hearing aids. They are used in public areas such as theatres, churches, meeting and conference rooms, etc.

Target specification

Design tasks

Groups of four to six participants will design, build and test a hearing loop system. Two or three participants design and build the transmit coil driver, while the other two or three design and build the receive coil amplifier. All group members participate in the selection of the system architecture (amplifier types) and in the the definition and the execution of the test plan.

The design comprises the following steps:

  1. Derive the specifications from the application description and group them in:
  2. Design a lumped element network model of the transmit-receive antenna system
  3. Set-up selection criteria for the electrical quantity driving the transmit coil and for the electrical quantity to represent the information from the receive coil
  4. Design the system architecture, model the transfer, and derive specifications for the amplifiers:
  5. Design a test plan
  6. Design the transmit coil driver amplifier
  7. Design the receive coil amplifier
  8. Present your project on a poster
  9. Build the system
  10. Execute the test plan
  11. Discuss the results with each other and with the instructors

Data sheets

Below the link to the data sheet of the receive coil.


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SLiCAP: Symbolic Linear Circuit Analysis Program, Version 1.6.0 © 2009-2024 SLiCAP development team

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Last project update: 2024-03-04 22:15:56