Symbolic time-domain analysis

Circuit diagram

The 1-rst order ($R_s=0$) detuned unit step response is found as:

\begin{equation} \mu_{t}=\frac{R_{b} \left(\frac{\left(C_{a} R_{a}^{2} - C_{b} R_{a} R_{b}\right) e^{- \frac{t \left(R_{a} + R_{b}\right)}{C_{a} R_{a} R_{b} + C_{b} R_{a} R_{b}}}}{C_{a} R_{a} R_{b} + C_{b} R_{a} R_{b}} + 1\right)}{R_{a} + R_{b}} \end{equation}

The 1-rst order ($R_s \neq 0,\, C_b=C_a \frac{R_a}{R_b}$) tuned unit step response is found as:

\begin{equation} \mu_{t}=\frac{R_{b} \left(1 - e^{- \frac{t \left(R_{a} + R_{b} + R_{s}\right)}{C_{a} R_{a} R_{s}}}\right)}{R_{a} + R_{b} + R_{s}} \end{equation}

The settling error to the final value of a wrongly tuned probe can be written as a function of time:

\begin{equation} \epsilon_{t}=\frac{\left(C_{a} R_{a} - C_{b} R_{b}\right) e^{- \frac{t \left(R_{a} + R_{b}\right)}{R_{a} R_{b} \left(C_{a} + C_{b}\right)}}}{\left(C_{a} + C_{b}\right) \left(R_{a} + R_{b}\right)} \end{equation}

After equating this value with a 1 LSB error, we find the settling time as function of the relative positivedetuning $\delta$ of $C_b$:

\begin{equation} \tau_{s}=0.9 C_{a} R_{b} \left(9 \delta + 10\right) \log{\left(\frac{9 \cdot 2^{n} \delta}{9 \delta + 10} \right)} \end{equation}

The settling error to the final value of a wrongly tuned probe can be written as a function of time:

\begin{equation} \epsilon_{t}=\frac{\left(C_{a} R_{a} - C_{b} R_{b}\right) e^{- \frac{t \left(R_{a} + R_{b}\right)}{R_{a} R_{b} \left(C_{a} + C_{b}\right)}}}{\left(C_{a} + C_{b}\right) \left(R_{a} + R_{b}\right)} \end{equation}

After equating this value with a 1 LSB error, we find the settling time as function of the relative negativedetuning $\delta$ of $C_b$:

\begin{equation} \tau_{s}=0.9 C_{a} R_{b} \left(9 \delta + 10\right) \log{\left(- \frac{9 \cdot 2^{n} \delta}{9 \delta + 10} \right)} \end{equation}

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Last project update: 2025-03-09 21:36:43