How to use SLiCAP
Working with SLiCAP usually proceeds as follows:
Initialize a SLiCAP project: this will
Create the directory structure for your project
Create a configuration file for your project
Create the main html index page for this project
Create a circuit model that models the performance aspect(s) and/or cost factor(s) of interest and create netlist from it
The complexity of the model should be as low as possible: the model should have all the information to find the answer to a design question, but not more.
SLiCAP supports netlist generation with KiCAD, LTspice, gSchem and lepton-eda
Import design budgets for performance and cost factors, as well as circuit parameters determined in earlier design steps to the circuit
SLiCAP writes and reads design data to and from a CSV file
Perform mixed symbolic/numeric circuit analysis with this model and obtain an expression that writes the performance or costs as a function of the circuit parameters
SLiCAP has 16 predefined (mixed symbolic/numeric) analysis types grouped in:
DC and DC variance analysis for finding valid ranges for:
resistor tolerances
offset voltages and currents and their temperature dependency
matching and temperature tracking properties of resistors
Noise analysis for finding valid ranges for:
resistor values
equivalent input noise sources of operational amplifiers
geometry and operating current of semiconductor devices
Complex frequency domain analysis (Laplace) for finding
minimum gain-bandwidth product of operational amplifiers
minimum number of stages in a feedback amplifier
budgets for geometry and operating current of semiconductor devices considering bandwidth limitations
component values for filters and frequency compensation elements
Complex frequency domain analysis (Poles and Zeros) for determination of
frequency stability
non-observable or non-controllable states
Time-domain analysis (Inverse Laplace) for finding valid ranges for
component values, geometry and operating current of semiconductor devices, considering settling time requirements
Obtain valid ranges for circuit parameters (component values, geometry and operating voltages and currents) and save them in the design database
Assign values to circuit parameters and save them in the data base
Go to (2) for the next design aspect or the next hierarchical level