SLiCAP Version 3.2
SLiCAP user guide
Download, install, configure and test SLiCAP
Create a SLiCAP circuit object
Work with specifications
Work with parameters
Perform analysis
Create plots
Create reports
Work with analysis results
SLiCAP netlist syntax
SLiCAP reference
SLiCAP tutorials
SLiCAP user guide
View page source
SLiCAP user guide
Download, install, configure and test SLiCAP
Download SLiCAP
Install SLiCAP
Other packages
Main configuration
Project configuration
Test the installation
Create a SLiCAP circuit object
Display schematics on html pages and in LaTeX reports
Work with specifications
Creating specItem objects
Storing specs in CSV files
Importing specs from CSV files
Assigning specs to circuit parameters
Displaying specs on an HTML page
Work with parameters
Get all circuit parameters
Assign a value or an expression to a parameter
Assign values or expressions to multiple parameters
Delete a parameter definition
Get the definition or value of a specific parameter
Get the definitions or evaluated values of multiple parameters
Perform analysis
General Instruction format
Predefined Analysis Types
Detector, source, and loop gain reference
Create plots
Plots with a swept x-variable
Pole-zero and root-locus plots
X-Y plots
Plot data from other applications
Create reports
Work with analysis results