Created on Fri Nov 18 13:24:17 2022
@author: anton
- createSubstDict(specs)
Returns a subsitutution dictionary from a list with specifications. substDict[<parname>] = <parValue>
- Parameters:
specs (list) – list with specItem objects
- Returns:
dictionary with key-value pairs; for each specitem:
key: parameter name (sympy.Symbol)
value: parameter value (sympy.expression)
- Return type:
- csv2specs(csvFile)
Reads the CSV file with specifications and converts it into a list with specitems.
The file will be read from the ini.csv_folder, which defaults to the ‘csv’ folder in the project diretory.
- Parameters:
csvFile (str) – name of the CSV file in the directory ‘ini.csv_path’
- Returns:
Lit with specification items
- Return type:
- class specItem(symbol, description='', value='', units='', specType='')
Class for specification items. These are parameter definitions with descriptions that can be assigned to the circuit. Specification items must have:
A unique symbol (their parameter name)
A spectype defintion, such as ‘functional’, ‘environment’, ‘design’, etc.
A value
- specList2dict(specList)
Creates a dictionary with spec items. the parameter name is used as key. Also checks for unique parameter names.
- Parameters:
specList (List) – List with spec items
- Returns:
dictionary with specification items
- Return type:
- specs2circuit(specList, cir)
Adds all prameter definitions from the specList to the circuit ‘cir’.
- Parameters:
specList (list) – List with spec items
cir (SLiCAPprotos.circuit) – circuit to which the parameters definitions will be added
- Returns:
- Return type:
- specs2csv(specList, fileName)
Saves the list with spec items as a CSV file.
The file will be stored in the ini.csv_folder, which defaults to the ‘csv’ folder in the project diretory.
- Parameters:
specList (list) – List with spec items
- Returns:
- Return type:
- specs2html(specs, types=[])
Displays specification items for the list ‘specs’ on the active HTML page. Specifications of the same type are placed in one table.
If a list of specification types is provided, it creates tables for specified types only. By default, tables for all types will be created.
- Parameters:
specs (list) – List with spec items.
types (str) – List with specification types to be placed on the html page, defaults to [].
- Returns:
HTML code that will be placed on the page
- Return type: