SLiCAP module with basic SLiCAP classes and functions.
- class allResults
Return structure for results, has attributes with instruction data and execution results.
- A
Base conversion matrix (sympy.Matrix).
- DCvalue
Zero-frequency value in case of dataType ‘pz’. (sympy.Expr, sympy.Float)
- Dv
Vector with dependent variables (sympy.Matrix).
- Iv
Vector with independent variables (sympy.Matrix).
- M
MNA matrix (sympy.Matrix).
- convType
Defines the circuit conversion type.
Will be copied from the instruction at the start of ts execution.
- dataType
Defines the simulation data type.
Will be copied from the instruction at the start of its execution.
- dcSolve
DC solution of the network.
- denom
Laplace poly of denominator (sympy.Expr).
- depVars()
Returns the list of detecors available AFTER execution of an instruction.
- detLabel
Name for the detector quantity to be used in expressions or plots.
Will be generated by SLiCAPinstruction.instruction at the start of its execution.
- detUnits
Detector units ‘V’ or ‘A’.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- detector
Names of the positive and negative detector.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- errors
Number of errors found in the definition of this instruction.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- gainType
Defines the simulation gain type.
Will be copied from the instruction at the start of its execution.
- impulse
Unit impulse response (ILT) (sympy.Expr).
- inoise
Total source-referred noise spectral density (sympy.Expr) in V^2/Hz or A^2/Hz.
- inoiseTerms
Dict with lists with contributions to source-referred noise spectrum
Key = (str) name of the noise source Value = (sympy.Expr) contribution of that noise source to the source-referred noise spectrum in V^2/Hz or A^2/Hz
- ivar
Total source-referred variance in V^2 or A^2 (sympy.Expr)
- ivarTerms
Dict with lists with contributions to source-referred variance.
Key = (str) name of the dcvar source Value = (sympy.Expr) contribution to the source-referred variance in V^2 or A^2
- label
Label to be used in plots.
- laplace
Laplace transfer function, or detector current or voltage (sympy.Expr).
- lgRef
Refdes of the controlled source that is assigned as loop gain reference.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- numer
Laplace poly of numerator (sympy.Expr).
- numeric
If True, functions and constants will be evaluated numerically and rational numbers will be converted in sympy.Float
- onoise
Total detector-referred noise spectrum (sympy.Expr) in V^2/Hz or A^2/Hz.
- onoiseTerms
Dict with with contributions to detector-referred noise spectrum
Key = (str) name of the noise source Value = (sympy.Expr) contribution of that noise source to the detector-referred noise spectrum in V^2/Hz or A^2/Hz
- ovar
Total detector-referred variance in V^2 or A^2 (sympy.Expr)
- ovarTerms
Dict with lists with contributions to detector-referred variance.
Key = (str) name of the dcvar source Value = (sympy.Expr) contribution to the detector-referred variance in V^2 or A^2
- pairedCircuits
Identifiers of paired subcircuits for base transformation of the circuit.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- pairedVars
Extension of paired nodes and branches for base transformation of the circuit.
Will be copied from SLiCAPinstruction.instruction at the start of its execution.
- parDefs
Parameter definitions for the instruction.
Will be copied from SLiCAPinstruction.instruction at the start of its execution.
- params
Results of parameter sweep (dataType = ‘param’).
- poles
Complex frequencies in [rad/s] (list)
- removePairSubName
Setting for changing the parameter names of paired subcircuits.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- snoiseTerms
Dict with source noise spectra.
Key = (str) name of the noise source Value = (sympy.Expr) noise spectral density in V^2/Hz or A^2/Hz
- solve
Laplace solution of the network.
- source
Refdes of the signal source (independent v or i source).
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- srcUnits
Source units ‘V’ or ‘A’.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- step
Setting for parameter stepping.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- stepArray
Array (list of lists) with values for step method array.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- stepList
List with values for step method ‘list’.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- stepMethod
Step method for parameter stepping.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- stepNum
Number of steps for step methods ‘lin’ and ‘log’.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- stepResp
Unit step response (ILT) (sympy.Expr).
- stepStart
Start value for stepping methods ‘lin’ and ‘log’.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- stepStop
Stop value for stepping methods ‘lin’ and ‘log’.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- stepVar
Defines the step variable (str) for step types ‘lin’, ‘log’ and ‘list’.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- stepVars
Defines the step variables for ‘array’ type parameter stepping.
Will be copied from the instructionat the start of its execution.
- substitute
If True: parameters from self.circuit will be substituted recursively in element values.
Else: element values defined in the circuit will be used
- svarTerms
Dict with source variances
Key = (str) name of the dcvar source Value = (sympy.Expr) dcvar value in V^2 or A^2
- time
Time-domain response of the circuit (ILT) (sympy.Expr).
- timeSolve
Time-domain solution of the network.
- zeros
Complex frequencies in [rad/s] (list)
- class circuit
Prototype (sub)circuit object.
- circuits
(dict) with key-value pairs:
key: Name (str) of a subcircuit.
value: Associated circuit object (SLiCAPprotos.circuit).
- controlled
(list) with reference designators (str) of controlled sources.
- defPar(parName, parValue, units=None)
Updates or adds a parameter definition and updates the list SLiCAPprotos.circuit.params with names (sympy.Symbol) of undefined parameters.
- Parameters:
parName (str, sympy.Symbol) – Name of the parameter.
parValue (str, sympy.Symbol, sympy.Expr, int, float) – Value of the parameter.
units (str, sympy.Symbol) – Value of the parameter, defaults to None
- Returns:
- Return type:
- defPars(parDict)
Adds or modifies multiple parameter definitions and updates the list circuit.params with names (sympy.Symbol) of undefined parameters.
- Params parDict:
Dictionary with key-value pairs:
key: parName (str, sympy.Symbol): name of the parameter.
value: parValue (str, float, int, sympy object): value or expression of the parameter.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- delPar(parName)
Deletes a parameter definition and updates the list SLiCAPprotos.circuit.params with names (sympy.core.symbol.Symbol) of undefined parameters.
- Parameters:
parName (str, sympy.core.symbol.Symbol) – Name of the parameter.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- depVars()
Returns the list with valid detectors.
- Returns:
list with valid detectors
- Return type:
- dep_vars
(list) with names (str) of independent variables:
nodal voltages:
A nodal voltage will be named as: ‘V_<node name>’. The reference node ‘V_0’ is also listed, but it cannot be used as detector. use circuit.dep_vars() to obtain the list of valid detectors.
branch currents. Branch current will be named ad follows:
Current through a two-terminal element:
Vxxx: ‘I_Vxxx’
Rxxx with model ‘r’: ‘I_Rxxx’
Lxxx: ‘I_Lxxx’
Currents through the input port or the output port of controlled sources:
Exxx output port: ‘Io_Exxx’
Fxxx input port: ‘Ii_Fxxx’
Gxxx, model = ‘G’, output port: ‘Io_Gxxx’
Hxxx, input port: ‘Ii_Hxxx’, output port: ‘Io_xxx’
- detector
Signal detector None if not defined, or a list with two names of dependent variales or one name and ‘None’.
- elements
(dict) with key-value pairs:
key: Reference designator (str) of the element.
value: Element object (SLiCAPprotos.element)
- errors
Number (int) of errors found during checking of the circuit. Defaults to 0.
- file
Name (str) of the netlist file. Defaults to None.
- getElementValue(elementID, param='value', substitute=True, numeric=False)
Returns the value or expression of one or more circuit elements.
If instruction.numeric == True it will perform a full recursive substitution of all circuit parameter definitions.
This method is called by instruction.circuit.getElementValue() with keyword arg numeric = True if instruction.simType is set to ‘numeric’.
- Parameters:
elementID (str, list) – name(s) of the element(s)
param (str) –
name of the parameter (equal for all elements):
’value’: Laplace value
’dc’: DC value (independent sources only)
’noise’: Noise spectral density (independent sources only)
’dcvar’: DC variance (independent sources only)
Defaults to ‘value’
substitute (Bool) –
True: circuit parameters will be recursively substituted
False: Element values or expressions will be returned as defined
Defaults to True
numeric (Bool) –
True: Numeric values of functions and constants will be evaluated and rational numbers will be converted to sympy.Float.
False: No numeric evaluation of functions and constants
Defaults to False
- Returns:
if type(parNames) == list:
return value = dict with key-value pairs: key (sympy.core.symbol.Symbol): name of the parameter, value (int, float, sympy expression): value of the parameter
else: value or expression
- Return type:
dict, sympy.Float, sympy.Expr
- getParValue(parNames, substitute=True, numeric=False)
Returns the value or expression of one or more parameters.
If substitute == True, recursive substitution of all circuit parameters will be applied.
If numeric == True, numeric values of functions wand constants will be evaluated and converted to sympy.Floats
- Parameters:
parNames (str, sympy.Symbol, list) – name(s) of the parameter(s)
substitute (Bool) –
True: circuit parameters will be recursively substituted
False: Parameter values or expressions will be returned as defined
Defaults to True
numeric (Bool) –
True: Numeric values of functions and constants will be evaluated and rational numbers will be converted to sympy.Float
False: No numeric evaluation of functions and constants
Defaults to False
- Returns:
If type(parNames) == list: a dict with key-value pairs:
key (sympy.Symbol): name of the parameter
value (sympy.Float, sympy.Expr): value of the parameter
Else: value or expression (sympy.Float or sympy.Expr).
- Return type:
dict, sympy.Float, sympy.Expr
- indepVars
(list) with reference designators (str) of independent variables:
independent voltage sources
independent current sources.
- lgRef
Loopgain reference: None if not defined ,or a list with two identifies controlled sources or one idenfifier and ‘None’.
- libs
(list) with names (str) of library files found in netlist lines starting with ‘,lib’ or ‘.inc’.
- modelDefs
(dict) with key-value pairs:
key: Name (sympy.core.symbol.Symbol) of a model.
value: Associated model object (SLiCAPprotos.model).
- nodes
(list) with names (str) of circuit nodes.
- parDefs
(dict) with key-value pairs:
key: Name (sympy.core.symbol.Symbol) of a circuit parameter.
value: Value (sympy object, float, int) of the parameter.
- parUnits
(dict) with key-value pairs:
key: Name (sympy.core.symbol.Symbol) of a circuit parameter.
value: Units (str) of the parameter.
- params
If SLiCAPcircuit.subCKT == True:
(dict) with key-value pairs:
key: Name (sympy.core.symbol.Symbol) of a parameter that can be passed to the sub circuit.
value: Default value (sympy object, float, int) of the parameter.
(list) with names (sympy.core.symbol.Symbol) of undefined parameters.
- source
Signal source: None if not defined, or a list with two identifies of independent sources or one idenfifier and ‘None’.
- subCKT
(bool) True if the circuit is a sub circuit. Defaults to False.
- title
Title (str) of the circuit. Defautls to None.
- updateParams()
Updates self.params (list with undefined parameters) after modification of parameter definitions in self.parDefs.
- class element
Prototype circuit element object.
- model
Name (str) of the model of the element.
- nodes
(list) with names (str) of the nodes to which the element is connected.
- params
(dict) with key-value pairs:
key (sympy.core.symbol.Symbol): Name of an element parameter.
value (sympy object, float, int): Value of the parameter.
- refDes
Element reference designator (str), defaults to ‘’.
- refs
(list) with reference designators of elements (str) that are referenced to by the element.
- type
Element type: First letter of refdes (str).
- class modelDef
Protpotype for model definitions that can be added to SLiCAP.
- name
Name (str) of the model.
- params
(dict) with key-value pairs:
key (str): Model parameter name
value (sympy object, float, int): Value or expression
- type
Name (str) of the built-in model type that should be used for this model.