06-03-2025: Electronics 7#

Date: Thursday, March 6 2025

Location: Boole (36.HB.T0.610)

Time: 08:45 - 10:30

color coded resistors

Question of the day

How do we design feedback amplifier types?

Knowledge Test#

Press the button(s) below to test your knowledge and understanding of the topics covered this lecture.

Application of negative feedback#

Amplifiers: application of negative feedback

Negative (corrective) feedback can be regarded as a powerful design technique. It trades power gain for quality improvement and facilitates orthogonal design of the different performance aspects.


The presentation "Amplifiers: application of negative feedback"shows that accurate, low-noise and power-efficient amplifiers can be realized through application of negative feedback.

Presentation in parts

Amplifiers: application of negative feedback (parts)


  1. Amplifiers application of negative feedback introduction (3:06)

  2. Brute-force fixing of port impedances (5:45)


Chapter 7.1

Feedback amplifiers: orthogonal design sequence

In electronic information processing systems, amplification is one of the most important basic functions. Since the basic amplification mechanism, as it is found in biased ‘active’ devices, suffers from many imperfections, negative feedback is often exploited as powerful error reduction technique.

The application of negative feedback, together with proper sequencing of the design of various performance aspects makes it possible to prevent or minimize design iterations and have an early awareness of possible show-stoppers.


The presentation "Design of application-specific negative feedback amplifiers with operational amplifiers" gives the outline of the design sequence of high-performance negative feedback amplifiers.

Presentation in parts

Design of application-specific negative feedback amplifiers with operational amplifiers (parts)


Feedback amplifiers orthogonal design sequence (6:12)

Amplifiers: design procedure feedback configurations

The design of negative amplifier configurations follows a strict procedure based on sensing and comparison techniques.


The presentation "Feedback amplifiers: design procedure" illustrates the procedure for the design of a negative-feedback amplifier that accurately relates the desired electrical quantity at the load of the amplifier to that of the signal source.

Presentation in parts

Feedback amplifiers: design procedure (parts)


EE3C11 lecture 7 Feedback amplifiers design procedure


Chapter 7.2

Amplifiers: design of single-loop feedback configurations

Sensing of the load quantity and nullification of the difference between the feedback quantity with the source quantity form the basis of the design procedure of negative feedback amplifiers.


The presentation "Design of Single-loop Negative Feedback Amplifier Configurations" illustrates the application of the design procedure for negative feedback amplifiers to the design of single-loop negative feedback amplifiers:

  • The voltage amplifier

  • The transadmittance amplifier

  • The transimpedance amplifier

  • The current amplifier

It illustrates a number conflicts between design aspects for passive feedback amplifiers:

  • Amplifier type

  • Sign of the transfer

  • Port isolation

Presentation in parts

Design of Single-loop Negative Feedback Amplifier Configurations (parts)


Amplifiers design of single-loop feedback configurations (11:41)


Chapter 7.2

Feedback amplifiers: ideal gain

The conceptual design or functional design of negative feedback amplifiers comprises the design of the feedback networks and their interconnection with the source, the load and nullors (ideal controllers).


The presentation "Negative Feedback Amplifier Configurations: Ideal Gain and Controller" gives a definition of the gain of negative feedback amplifiers that have ideal controllers (nullors). The implications of controller imperfections will be discussed at a later stage.

Presentation in parts

Negative Feedback Amplifier Configurations: Ideal Gain and Controller (parts)


Negative Feedback Amplifier Configurations Ideal Gain and Controller (3:35)


Chapter 7.3

Amplifiers: multiple-loop feedback configurations

Each transmission-1 two-port parameter of an amplifier can be given an accurate nonzero value with the aid of a feedback network around a high-gain controller.


The presentation "Design of Multi-loop Negative Feedback Amplifier Configurations" briefly discusses the design of multiple-loop negative feedback amplifiers.

Presentation in parts

Design of Multi-loop Negative Feedback Amplifier Configurations (parts)


Amplifiers multiple-loop feedback configurations (2:58)


Chapter 7.3, 7.4.1


Poster "Application of Negative Feedback"


Homework 5

  1. Design negative feedback amplifier configurations for the transmit amplifier of the hearing loop system

  2. Design negative feedback amplifier configurations for the receive amplifier of the hearing loop system