04-03-2025: Electronics 6#
Date: Tuesday, March 4 2025
Location: Flux Hall B (
Time: 10:45 - 12:30
Question of the day
How do we model and characterize the small-signal dynamic behavior of amplifiers?
Knowledge Test#
Press the button(s) below to test your knowledge and understanding of the topics covered this lecture.
Homework previous lecture#
SLiCAP files hearing loop system design of gain distribution and noise requirements: Lecture4.zip
Amplifiers: modeling of small-signal dynamic behavior#
Physics and modeling of linear, time-invariant, dynamic systems
The presentation "Physics and modeling of linear time-invariant dynamic systems" briefly discusses the physical meaning of poles and zeros and the modeling of lumped linear time-invariant dynamic systems.
Pesentation in parts
Physics and modeling of linear time-invariant dynamic systems (parts)
Chapter 18
Estimation of poles and zeros of electrical networks#
Nodal Analysis
The presentation "Topics from network theory: Nodal Analysis" briefly summarizes the nodal analysis method.
Presentation in parts
Nodal Analysis and Modified Nodal Analysis
Chapter 18
Modified Nodal Analysis
The presentation "Topics from network theory: Modified Nodal Analysis" briefly summarizes the modified nodal analysis method.
Presentation in parts
Modified Nodal Analysis (parts)
EE3C11 lecture 6 Nodal Analysis and Modified Nodal Analysis
Chapter 18
Poles and zeros of an electrical network
The poles of a network can be found as the eigenvalues of the time-constant matrix. This matrix can be derived from the MNA matrix, or simply be found from network inspection.
The presentation "Estimation of poles and zeros of networks without feedback" Shows the way in which poles and zeros of electrical networks can be estimated with the aid of the time-constant matrix.
Presentation in parts
Estimation of poles and zeros of networks without feedback (parts)
Estimation of poles and zeros of networks without feedback, Resistance Matrix (2:27)
Estimation of poles and zeros of networks without feedback (9:02)
Chapter 18
The presentations are summarized on the poster: "Poles and Zeros"
SLiCAP files oscilloscope probe. Or view the HTML output
External links#
3Blue1Brown: Eigen values and eigen vectors
Homework 4: Derive requirements for the small-signal bandwidth of the transmit and receive amplifier of the hearing loop system.