EE3C11 2024-2025#

Welcome to the course web site of the BSc course: Structured Electronics Design (EE3C11, Electronics part).

The course and this web site are developed and maintained by the instructors Chris Verhoeven and Anton Montagne

color coded resistors

Next lecture:

  • Date: Thursday, March 6 2025

  • Time: 08:45 - 10:30

  • Location: Boole (36.HB.T0.610)

  • Web page

Educational method#

  • At the beginning of the course:

    • The application specification of an amplifier to be designed will be presented

    • Sudent design teams will be formed

  • Step-by-step design of this amplifier will be discussed during the lectures

    • Motivation of the design steps, their underlying theory and application to other designs will be elucidated.

    • Examples and exercises will help the participants to understand the design steps and their interaction.

    • Student design teams will apply the new theory to the design

  • At the end of the course

    • Student design teams present their work during a poster session

    • Student design teams build and test their design

  • Grading (prefered): Student design team reviews

    • Student design teams present and discuss the achieved results together with the staff.

  • Grading (alternative): Quiz

Structure of the lectures#


Students need to prepare the lecture as follows:

  • Study the sections in the book associated with that lecture

  • Study the presentations of the lecture

  • Watch the videos of the lecture

First hour#

  1. A classroom poll / discussion provides information about the preparation and the level of understanding.

  2. Instructors will elucidate topics using:

    • Posters

    • Demonstrations

    • Ad hoc presentations

Second hour#

Students design teams apply the newly acquired knowledge to the design of the hearing loop antenna system.

Detailed course information#

  1. Read more about: Structured Electronics Design

  2. Read: What you will know at the end of this course

  3. For detailed information about the lectures, click the lecture in the list below.

Course material#

  1. The course book can be downloaded for free: Structured Electronics Design - 3rd edition

  2. SLiCAP and LTspice source files of this book

  3. A PYTHON-based symbolic SPICE simulator for deriving and solving design equations for electronic circuits. Course participants require a laptop with SLiCAP installed. See SLiCAP for installation instructions.

  4. LTspice can be downloaded and installed from here.

  5. Posters

    1. Poster EE3C11

    2. Poster Object Performance Specification

    3. Poles and Zeros

    4. Application of Negative Feedback

    5. Modeling of negative feedback

    6. Derive Controller Requirements from Amplifier Specifications

    7. Frequency compensation
