
color coded resistors

Structured Electronics Design#

  1. Structured Electronics Design overview

  2. Hierarchically structured product design process

  3. Structured design of electronic information processing systems

  4. Object Performance Specification

  5. Design techniques application-specific CMOS amplifiers

  6. Design sequence application-specific CMOS amplifiers

  7. Structured Design Guest lecture 2016

Amplifier Design#

  1. Amplifiers: Modeling ideal behavior

  2. Modeling and characterization of amplifiers

  3. Principle of amplification and biasing

  4. MOS noise design

  5. Design of amplifier types

  6. Application of balancing techniques

  7. Aplication of negative feedback

  8. Design of negative feedback amplifiers

  9. Noise design feedback amplifiers

  10. The asymptotic-gain feedback model

  11. Derive controller requirements from amplifier specifications

  12. Summary Negative feedback

  13. Amplifier stages with discrete transistors

  14. Transistor stages for CMOS Controller Design

  15. Common Drain Stage

  16. Frequency compensation techniques-1

  17. Frequency compensation techniques-2

Filter Design#

  1. Design of active and passive filters


  1. Electromagnetic compatibility

MOS Modeling#

  1. CMOS Modeling and Characterization


  1. Random signal modeling and noise

Network Theory#

  1. Estimation of poles and zeros of networks without feedback


  1. SLiCAP Python

  2. SLiCAP oscilloscope probe

Design examples#

  1. My First Voltage Amplifier

  2. Hearing Loop system EE3C11

  3. Summary EE4109, active antenna

  4. CMOS active antenna

  5. CMOS active antenna controller design

  6. CMOS active antenna bandwidth

  7. CMOS active antenna biasing

  8. Class AB amplifiers with OpAmps and discrete transistors

  9. Class D amplifiers


  1. Course design of application-specific amplifiers with OpAmps

  2. EE3C11 design active antenna


  1. ABCD training