23-11-2022: CS stage#
Lecture: EE4109-4
Location: Pulse Hall 4
Time: 08:45 - 10:30
SPICE test circuits#
We will present two spice test circuits for the determination of properties of the intrinsic CS stage and the CS stage driven from and terminated with an parallel RC network.
output voltage and current drive capability
input voltage and current drive requirement
input impedance and output impedance
forward and reverse transfer parameters
pole splitting
The biased CS stage#
Introduction to the CS stage
The common-source stage is considered the basic amplifier stage in CMOS technology.
The presentation "CS stage introduction" motivates the use of the CS stage as basic amplifier stage and summerizes the relevant performance aspects and design parameters of this stage.
The intrinsic CS stage
The presentation Intrinsic CS stage: Design of static and dynamic performance discusses the design of the static (instantaneous) and the dynamic performance of a CS stage.
Design of the static and dynamic performance of a CS stage between source and load
The design and analysis of the static and the dynamic behavior of the CS stage will be demonstrated with the LTspice and SLiCAP simulation tools.
Download SLiCAP-CSstage.zip and LTspice-CSstage.zip for running the analysis yourself.
Please upgrade to the latest version of SLiCAP_python: Version 1.0.1 before running the CS stage script.
Group exercise#
Compare the Bode plots of the small-signal transimpedance factor of the biased CS stage operating in the active forward region, plotted with LTspice or ngspice using the BSIM model, and with SLiCAP using the EKV model. Use minimum geometry, VDS = 0.9V, and weak, moderate and strong inversion.
Study the influence of geometry and inversion (discuss with each other, and verify)